Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ken Who?

So much for not posting anything for the next few days. :P

We decided to have a quiet day at home today. The most exciting thing we did was play a round of Cluedo (of which the winner was yours truly :P). I need to get me more boardgames. I've got my eye on Pictionary and Taboo. :D

It's kinda nice having old friends over. Somehow everybody else levitates towards a reunion, making the crowd bigger and bigger. :D Conversations center around everything from who's married, to the infamous Ken Lee.

Cha's been dragging me to shopping malls, and all I can do is just grit my teeth as I look at all the wonderful things that I want. End of the month usually means my wallet's not as prosperous as I'd wish it to be. But sometime next week, it'll be all good, and I can finally get that dress I've had my eye on.

Oh! I hear them gossiping in the next room. I'll just have to trot over. :D



Anonymous said...

Pictionary and Taboo are both of my fave board games! We played them for New Year's a few years back and everyone's drawing was so messed up since we were all tipsy! Hehe..

*One of our Taboo games*
Word: Pure
My friend: "A virgin isss....."
Everyone: "Tight!"

Rozella said...

Don't you just love Ken Lee? The best reality TV performance since William Hung..If I may dare say so. :P

Edgar said...

My friend: "A virgin isss....."
Everyone: "Tight!"


remind me to play with you some time.

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Ooooo Cluedo. Man, I used to love playing that game and the best part was I always cheated ... LOL!

My friends (what little of them that I have) don't like playing board games with me cos they know I'll cheat and even when I don't cheat they still don't believe me. LOL!

Mas Light said...

Lol...ken lee is never enuff ka?

XD anyways compy, u come back we play boardgames, uh uh i know who has em XD

uncle haf a lot of em XD i mean rainer XD